Monday, September 8, 2014

Valiant Hearts Review

 It is difficult to find a truly intelligent puzzle game in the fast action-packed world that is the current generation of video games.  It is even far more difficult if that puzzle game you discover; not only pushes you care about the story and the characters, but naturally forces you (in a good way) to look more in-depth to what really is occurring within the game.  That is what Valiant Hearts: The Great War, accomplished with flying colors.  On the surface it is your charming and challenging puzzle/adventure game, but once you begin your journey, the somber mood of the story and the relentless reserve of the characters really brings you into a whole new world of chaos and suffering as you trudge through the horrors of WWI.  Do not fret, however, as Valiant Hearts also expresses strength and resolve among the sea of destruction that definitively creates a remarkable story in both video games, and in the real world.

   The mechanics of the game are nearly flawless.  Early on you discover that if you fail to reach your objective, or if you fall in battle, the fault lies solely on you.  The 2D side scrolling  controls are so crisp and well balanced, that it feels that you are actually a part of the world you are forced to survive.  The visuals are absolutely stunning with each frame being more beautiful as the last.  The art design is really what brings the whole game together and truly defines it.  Whether it is the grass on the foreground, or the explosions in the background, Valiant Hearts' creative art design gives it a visually stunning personality.  The sounds are as authentic as I have ever heard from a war game short of Call of Duty 2.  From explosions to machine gun fire, the situations the player is placed into truly feel genuine, causing the player to feel more in-tune with the game itself.  From the controls, to the graphics, and the sound, Valiant Hearts really excel in bringing the players to really enjoy a game, instead of just playing it.

  However, Valiant Hearts is not perfect.  Occasionally the puzzles you encounter can drag on to the point of boredom causing you to lose interest, or track of the story.  The majority of the puzzles are quick and do not take so much time that you forget about your surroundings, but are a few that you notice to either be solved in a less than creative way, or is just plain dumb.  For example there is a puzzle where have to save some people from various gas attacks, and in order to reach a gas-mask, you must punch a hook in order (and then raise it) in order to reach the mask.  Some of the mini-games can also be arduous and tedious causing many "groan" worthy moments.  Constantly bombarding the player with many "let's stop and do this for five minutes" situations can really cause you to not enjoy the game as much as you could.  Fortunately the good overwhelmingly outweighs the bad in Valiant Hearts.  

  Valiant Hearts is well worth the buy, as it creates a chaotic, yet hopeful world that lets you truly enjoy the story and the characters.  With the controls being as strong as they are, the visuals being beautiful all throughout the game, and the audio bringing you an authentic war-like experience that few other games can muster, Valiant Hearts is a complete game that cannot passed up by the gamer community.  Valiant Hearts could make a strong case for Indie Game of the Year easily, even if they were competing with some of the greatest indie games ever made.  Valiant Hearts is an emotional tale of the horrors of war, and the lives it affects, but also tells a tale of resolve, friendship, and family that makes you literally tear up during moments of the game.  If you play Valiant Hearts be sure to equip yourself with many tissues!!

Valiant Hearts receives 9 giant spoons out of 10.

~Cody "the captain" Tassin


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