Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sony's GamesCom

Alright as I said earlier instead of posting every little thing as soon as it's announced. I will be doing 2 - 3 big updates. Here's number one Sony's.

)1. A new indie game, In Space We Brawl, has been announced for PS4 and PS Vita.

The news was revealed at Gamescom 2014 during Sony's presentation. In Space We Brawl is an arcade-style competitive multiplayer twin-stick shooter in development by Forge Reply.

No release date has been set, but the trailer says it is "coming soon."

)2. Today, long-time Sony partner studio Housemarque revealed its new game. It's called Alienation, and it's coming exclusively to PlayStation 4.

We know little about the project right now, other than that it's sci-fi-inspired and looks a great deal like what Housemarque is best-known for. In other words, it's likely a twin-stick shooter. The game looks beautiful -- much like Resogun did and it's being developed and published in cooperation with Sony, just like Super Stardust HD, Super Stardust Delta, Dead Nation, and Resogun.
Indeed, speaking of Dead Nation, the game looks a great deal like a spiritual successor to Housemarque's zombie shooter.

)3. Tearaway is officially coming to PlayStation 4. It's called Tearaway Unfolded, and it's essentially the same game, just altered to fit onto console.

)4. It's official: Until Dawn is coming exclusively to PlayStation 4.

Word came out of Sony's Gamescom press conference, where it was revealed that the former PlayStation 3-exclusive game has been shifted over to Sony's new hardware. The game comes by way of UK developer Supermassive Games


)5. Hellblade, a new game from DmC: Devil May Cry developer Ninja Theory, was announced during Sony's Gamescom conference today.

The title is a brand new IP, not a sequel to anything Ninja Theory has done in the past..

That's all the Big news Form Sony if you want to watch any of the Game Trailers go over to our YouTube Page 

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