Monday, July 29, 2013

300GB disc?!

Right now, a dual layer Blu-ray disc is capable of holding about 50GB of data. And while the next generation of video game consoles will both feature Blu-ray compatibility, it seems Sony isn't satisfied with the current technology's limitations. As mentioned by CNET, Sony has teamed up with Panasonic to create a new optical disc capable of storing up to 300GB of information.

Image Source: It's All Tech
Panasonic released a statement on the collaboration, with the tech companies working jointly to create a new disc standard by the end of 2015. The 300GB optical discs are geared toward professional use (obviously), with the new storage capacity offering unique advantages to archivists and video editors, for example. Both Sony and Panasonic have previously released storage options which combine multiple optical discs into one cohesive drive.
So, how could this new technology appeal to gamers? Well, that's not immediately clear. Sony could very well release the new discs under a Blu-ray moniker, or attempt to make the discs compatible with the PlayStation 4. Realistically, the discs would likely prove cost prohibitive and unnecessary for storing game data. But whereas today's triple-A games may only require around 15GB of information, advancements in technology could mean significantly larger file sizes in just a matter of years.
And when internet service providers are capping your bandwidth, you just might need a trusty old optical disc after all.

- Matt Clark, is a freelance writer covering the world of videogames, tech, and popular culture. Follow him on Twitter @ClarkMatt

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