Following up on the success of the single-player Attitude Era mode in WWE '13, which focused on the greatest moments from the WWE's acclaimed run in the late '90s,
WWE 2K14's single-player mode will expand the amount of history it covers with its new 30 Years of Wrestlemania mode.
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania, released in 2009, also allowed players to take part in many of the prominent matches from Wrestlemanias past. The major difference, aside from being able to pull matches from a few more years of Wrestlemanias, is that 30 Years of Wrestlemania will be played out in the same style of gameplay as the rest of WWE 2K14. Legends of Wrestlemania, on the other hand, had a simpler style of gameplay that relied on quick-time events and a streamlined control scheme.
In order to make these matches possible, some unannounced match types are being added, and the roster will have to include many of the wrestlers from WWE's past. Among those are Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, and "Macho Man" Randy Savage, with the full complement of legends to be announced this Saturday, August 17, at SummerSlam Axxess, the event preceding this coming Sunday's pay-per-view event.
The inclusion of a large number of legends doesn't come at the expense of members of the current-day roster. Creative director Cory Ledesma described the current roster as being "completely intact." As he puts it, "What this ends up meaning is we have one of the largest rosters ever."
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